Hidden Heroes: The Role of Citizen Scientists in Studies of Avian Reproduction

Join us for the fifth installment of our 75th Anniversary Lecture Series, Sightlines, with Robyn Bailey, NestWatch Project Leader at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Citizen scientists worldwide contribute invaluable bird observations to long-term databases, aiding scientists in understanding the impact of environmental changes on avian populations. Robyn’s lecture will specifically explore the crucial role of citizen scientists in the study of North America’s nesting birds, with a look back at the past 60 years.

Robyn Bailey manages the research, education, and communication initiatives for NestWatch, the Cornell Lab’s citizen-science project focused on nesting birds. The Cornell Lab has been monitoring nesting birds’ reproductive success since the 1960s, and this long-term database is the nation’s richest source of information on avian reproductive biology. Through NestWatch, Robyn’s research and writing focuses on small things we can all do to help birds every day.

Thanks to our generous Sightlines sponsors!